domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Totally Puzzling

How good are you at English? Try to solve this puzzle.

1.Start with a dozen.
2.Multiply by the number of vowels in the alphabet.
3.Add the number of weeks in a year.
4.Multiply by the number of sides on a triangle.
5.Substract the number of years in a century.
6.Add three times six.
7.Divide by the number of sides on a triangle.
8.Add a couple .
9.Quarter it.
10.Add the number of months in the year that don´t have thirty days.
11.Divide by one-third of nine.

If you perform all the operations correctly, you´ll get the number that British people consider unlucky.

And if you want to check your answer, you´ll have to rearrange the letters in this word .

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014


Our students make a presentation of their summer holidays. They use Instagram and write in English.

Contents in English:
- Verbs in Past Simple
- Describing pictures

Contents in ICT:
- Uploading photos form mobile phones into Instagram and publishing them.
- Adding music into their Instagram presentation
- Use of other Media tools of their choice for presentation


The students of English in Year 1 ESO, the bilingual group, have researched about The Environment and a topic of their own concern. They have presented it to the rest of the class using Power Point or any other application to aid their oral presentation with images.
Here is an example.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Contenidos lingüísticos Inglés

Estos son los contenidos lingüísticos con los que trabajamos en Inglés en los distintos cursos de ESO, que deberían servir de referencia para la elaboración de material CLIL.

     1ºESO                       2ºESO                3ºESO                  4ºESO

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014


1. Necesitáis una cuenta en gmail
2. Hacedla llegar a Filo para poder registraros como autores en el blog
3. Comprobad la cuenta después de dármela al día siguiente para acceptar la invitación del blog
4. Una vez registrados en el blog ya podéis subir material.
Gracias y ánimo.