Hi everyone, my name is Filomena Vinagre Arias, I teach English in IES Albarregas to a Year 1 group (12 year olds) part of the bilingual project and to 5 more groups that are not part of it. I like trying new approaches in the class and our CLIL project helps me share material with other schools in Europe,. We have shadowed and shared language material with France since last year. One of my group of students started penfriend correspondenpce with a Lisbon school last year and this year both schools have travelled to visit each other. They have stretgthened their ties of friendship living together and now they communicate on a daily basis in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
I am the coordinator of two etwinning projects called CLIL Material and Heroes de Europa. Our partner schools from France, Germany and Portugal are part of both projects.
This blog will collect CLIL material designed and administered in class by our teachers.
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015
Hi, my name is Antonio de la Barrera, a teacher of English, deputy headmaster and coordinator for the Bilingual Section in IES Albarregas. “Let languages join cultures” is my favourite motto, so for me sharing experiences with teachers around the world is critical. I am constantly looking at new ways to improve my teaching practice and encourage my students to love foreign languages and cultures.
Our CLIL teaching group: A self introduction.
We would like to introduce ourselves on this blog so that our new partner can get to know us better.
My name is Juana Molano. Besides a teacher of Geography, History and Art, I am the Coordinator for European Educational Programs of IES Albarregas. I am interested in sharing experiences and teaching materials for English classes in the Bilingual Section. All kinds of interdisciplinary activities interest me too. I like working with teachers from other countries, since I am always looking for the quality of my work and I believe in constant improvement.
Welcome to our new partner, Scuola Secondaria Statale di I Grado “G.A. Borgese-XXVII Maggio” de Palermo.
A new partner, Scuola Secondaria I Statale di Grado "GA Borgese-XXVII Maggio" of Palermo, has joined our working group in CLIL Methodology. We welcome them to our blog and our eTwinning project. Its partnership will surely enrich our work.
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015
Tarde de Viernes CLIL

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015
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